Elon Musk Motive Force Behind Hyperloop
Billionaire Elon Musk #ElonMusk is a South-African born entrepreneur with roots in the U.S.
He did undergrad work in Canada and the University of Pennsylvania, earning a Bachelor’s in both Economics [ Wharton ] and Physics. His grad studies began and ended shortly at Stanford.
Elon co-founded X.com, an epayments company, which later merged with the corporate parent of PayPal. In 2002 he founded SpaceX, the first private company to dock a spacecraft, the SpaceX “Dragon”, with the International Space Station. In fact, NASA has awarded SpaceX a US$1.6 Billion contract to supply the International Space Station. He also co-founded Tesla Motors, which built the first electric sports car and also supplies electric powertrain components to Daimler and Toyota.
As Chairman of SolarCity he champions renewable energy.
Elon Musk and his Team are the prime movers behind Hyperloop, the Fifth Mode of Transportation.
For more information, see this bio: